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High-efficiency air-wound 80/40 Meter loading coil with 3/8x24 male and female connectors.
We engineered this coil for portability and superior performance, To make an electrically short antenna resonant, a loading coil is inserted in series with the antenna.
The coil is built to have an inductive reactance equal and opposite to the capacitive reactance of the short antenna, so the combination of reactance cancels. When loaded, the antenna presents a pure resistance to the transmission line, preventing energy from being reflected.
The loading coil is often placed at the base of the antenna, between it and the transmission line (base loading), with a long whip at the top capable of radiating the 20m and higher bands on its own, without the coil, or the coil shorted out.
We highly recommend you get a Common Mode Current Choke for this antenna and place it at or about 2,5m - 3m from the antenna on your feedline. See: https://shop.bombastik.co.za/