Be aware of what parts is used in the construction of your Balun, Unun or Choke. We always over build our products and do not offer under-spec parts for a stated Watt rating.
A common mode choke is an electrical filter that blocks high-frequency noise common to two or more data or power lines while allowing the desired DC or low-frequency signal to pass. Common mode (CM) noise current is typically radiated from sources such as unwanted radio signals, unshielded electronics, inverters, and motors. Left unfiltered, this noise presents interference problems in electronics and electrical circuits.
This Bombastik unit is built with a high-quality 240X43SA Toroid, single or, stacked according to power needs, and thick wire wrapping to withstand high power environments. Highly recommended with End-Fed Wire antennas. (Place about 2,5m to 3,5m from the antenna, on the feedline).